2119 Bradord Drive, Arlington TX 76010
Phone - no soliciting:  (817) 265-6435

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Quotation and Description

Dear Customer

Thank you for your interest in our Journal Runout Measurment System. API610 has new requirements for the electrical runout measurement of a bearing journal or electrical probe area. Our runout instrument complies with these new API specifications. The complete system is described below in detail. All prices are FOB Arlington TX. Standard delivery time is 30 days. Please feel free to call any time if you have any questions.

This system measures both the Electrical Runout and Mechanical Runout. Electrical Runout is measured with an Eddy Current Sensor similar to that made by Bently Nevada. As an option, you can choose a Bently probe, or a B&K Vibro IN-085. The Mechanical Runout is measured with an LVDT probe. Tracking of the angle is managed by an incremental encoder running tangentially on the shaft. You can measure one or both types of runouts. Your shaft can be turned by hand without requiring constant speed.


We include the computer and all the hardware necessary to take electrical and mechanical runouts at the same time, except for the means to support and rotate the rotor or shaft. We have other options for customers who still prefer Windows 7, or want the software loaded on a computer supplied by their own I.T. department. Our 3 year warranty on the system also includes any computer we supply. Any version of Windows XP or later will work.

I recommend using 90 degree V-blocks to support your rotor during measurement. Depending on the weight of your rotors, we would recommend that you use nylon inserts in your V-blocks. If you need us to supply V-blocks, we will need the range of your rotor weights and journal dimensions in order to quote. The Standard System includes:

  • Eddy Current Probe and cable (Electrical Runout)
  • LVDT Mechanical Probe with nylon tip and cable (Mechanical Runout)
  • Calibrator for Electrical and Mechanical LVDT probes
  • Proximity switch and cable (key phasor to trigger start and end of revolution)
  • Quadrature encoder with index and cable (for providing live graphs)
  • Four (4) Magnetic base assemblies to mount the probes and encoder
  • Signal Conditioner/interface box
  • Windows 10 Portable Laptop Computer
  • Computer Interface Cable (USB)
  • Rugged, water proof carrying case. By Stormcase
  • Software and license
  • 3 year warranty and life time free software updates
  • One day of on-site training. Hotel and airfare not included.


    We include a new Windows 10 computer. We could also provide a refurbished Windows 7 comptuer. If you must use a computer supplied by your company, that computer must meet the requirements listed blow. We can install the software on-site during the training while your computer support staff watches the process. There is no discount for supplying your own computer because we would we have to support the software on a non-standard system, and allow additional time during the on-site commissioning.

  • Pentium 4 at 600 MHz or higher
  • 2 Gig RAM or more
  • Five (5) Gigabyte available space on the Hard Drive or more
  • Screen adjustable to a 1024x768 resolution
  • Ethernet interface
  • CD ROM
  • Internet capability to receive updates
  • USB 2.0 or higher


    All telephone support is free. A Three (3) year warranty is included on all parts as well as the computer. Most parts are off the shelf with minor modifications to connections. Warranty is handled on a replacement basis. Just call for over the phone troubleshooting and get an RMA to return the part for replacement. When we receive the bad part, a replacement will be returned the next day. If you are in the continental US, shipping of the new replacement part is covered by us for standard ground delivery. If you require overnight replacement, you will be responsible for the shipping cost. No purchase order is required unless you require a new part in advance of us receiving the damaged part. After we receive the part, it will be evaluated. If the problem is a result of misuse, this warranty will not apply and an invoice will issue which would include the details of our findings on the cause of failure.


    If you are in the Continental US, labor and travel expenses for on-site setup and training is included in the price except for hotel and airfare. We would be traveling from Dallas Texas and visit your facility for one day. At that time we will install the software if you supplied your own computer. We would do this through your computer department if they require. Once installed, we will show your operators how the system works and how to set it up to take measurements. All features will be reviewed. Maximum attendance is 6 people. There is a small charge for additional time to train more people.


    The Runout Software is provided on CD ROM. It was developed with the new API specification in mind plus additional features described below. Any new releases after your purchase will be available for free on our website. There is NO additional license fee. There is no requirement to install the latest version to get support. All versions will always be available on the website and all versions will be supported. New releases will be issued to incorporate new features. Customers can send suggestions by email or through the website. Suggestions would be incorporated as part of our continuous improvement program and will be available as new releases are issued. A readme file will always be included in the new release to identify the details of all the changes.

    The software that we provide includes standard report types and includes many fields to enter various parameters. There is no limitation of how many computers you can install the software. All data can be viewed and reports can be generated on any computer without requiring the interface hardware or additional license fees. The hardware is only required to take new measurements.


    We normally supply a Bently 3300XL series probe and Proximeter. The probe body is a fully threaded with M8, and has the 5mm internal coil. System length is 5 meter. Other configurations are available on request.

    As a no cost option, we would instead supply a Schenck Vibronex (B&K Vibro) probe which is a similar eddy current sensor with some advantages. These are just like the Bently probes except the oscillator/demodulator electronics are inside the sensor making for a much more simple setup. Since the electronics are inside the sensor, there is no requirement for a special calibrated cable and separate proximeter box. The temperature limit is lower for the Schenck probe as compared to the Bently but this is not an issue during rotor repair. If you prefer to use your existing eddy probe, then we will provide an adapter cable and discount the price.


    An LVDT type probe is used for measuring mechanical runout. The probe tip is interchangeable with any standard type indicator tip having a M2.5x0.45 thread. This probe comes with a Nylon tip so as not to mark your shaft's probe area. The electronics to drive this probe are internal to the interface box. By setting up both probes, the software can show you both the mechanical and electrical run out at the same time for one probe surface. This is displayed graphically with displacement/gap vs angle. Usually these probes are 90 from each other if measurements are taken in V-blocks because they would be setup normal to the V-block surface. The software shifts the trace in the graph so that both traces are in phase.


    A key phasor or proximity switch is used to identify the beginning of each revolution. It can trigger off the key or key way. Setting up the gap is easy with an LED on the sensor. You can set the program to trigger on the leading edge, trailing edge, or center of the keyway. As the rotor is rotated, a loud beep sounds to let you know each time you pass the trigger. The operator can have the software measure any number of revolutions. The trace for all revolutions can be shown, or an average of the revolutions can be plotted. A minimum of one revolution must be measured. This run out instrument is compatible with shafts having more than one key or keyway.


    The encoder is used to monitor the angle during the measurement. This allows the operator to turn the rotor by hand and the plots will still be correct with respect to the angle. If you are turning with a machine at constant speed, you do not have to connect the encoder. The encoder is provided on a magnetic base and has a pulley on it. The encoder can be driven by a Buna belt, or the pulley can ride tangentially on the surface of the rotor. Since the encoder bracket is springloaded, it will mantain contact with the rotor. There is a threaded insert in the center of the pulley so the encoder can be directly driven. If directly driven, the proximity switch is not required because the internal index of the encoder can be used for the trigger signal. The interface box is designed to eliminate the errors inherent with encoders such as ringing in the lines as well as chatter that is caused when the encoder stops on a transition of the quadrature. Please call for a description on how this works.


    Once the probes are setup, the operator starts the program. There is a large display of a bar graph to assist the operator setting the gap of the eddy probe and the center position of the mechanical probe. Then the operator confirms the positions of the probes and number of revolutions to measure (default is one). The operator presses a button when ready to take a bearing runout measurement and then rotates the rotor at will. The machine records the data as it is turned and knows when to start and stop based on the trigger of the prox switch or encoder index. Data is immediately displayed graphically in a full screen with a large live cursor. As the operator continues to rotate the rotor, the

    large live cursor moves along the graph indicating the position with respect to the probe. The smaller curser indicates the high spot in the runout. This makes it easy to mark the high spot on the rotor.


    Calibration can be done by the end user with the calibrator device. This device is included and shown above. The calibration for ERO can be done for any type of material using a different sample in the device, and each calibration can be stored and recalled for later use. The micrometer head is designed so that the sample does not rotate when turning the head. The sample just moves axially without rotating and therefor does not introduce any errors. This device can also be used to test and prove the accuracy of the system.

    This system is very easy to use for measuring bearing journal runout and meets the requirements of API-610. We appreciate your interest and look forward to your order. If you have any questions, you can reach us at (817) 265-6435.

    Best regards,

    2119 Bradford Drive
    Arlington TX 76010
